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Pick Up Your Pace With New App

Put a little fun in your step

· Get Active

We all know that when you have PAD walking can be painful. Even more frustrating is that walking and pushing through some of that pain is critical to slowing down the progression of this disease. But, getting motivated to do an activity that can be painful is tough. Music is scientifically proven to motivate people. It's proven to boost endorphines, decrease fatigue and experience of pain. So, why not give it a try! I downloaded a newer app called,, which has put a little pep in my step. It was designed by the co-creator of Google Maps, Lars Rasmussen and his wife Elomida.

Weav re-engineers songs to match your steps so that every time you put your foot to the pavement, the beat matches your step. If you go faster, the beat matches your step. Same goes if you slow down. The key is that the technology seamlessly adapts each song's temp between 100-240 BPM's -- all without lessening the quality of the song. lets you track your steps and even share your results! So, give it a try. Another option is to simply create a playlist of songs that you only get to hear while on your walk! Make sure they're fun and upbeat to ensure you enjoy every step you take!