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About "Global PAD Association"
The Global PAD Association operates under The Way To My Heart, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, to remove logistical, financial, and emotional barriers to timely, effective life and limb-saving care through education, high-touch advocacy, and real-time support.
OUR MISSION is to support P.A.D. patients, caregivers, and providers through high-touch advocacy, education, and interaction. Our high-touch approach is successful in getting patients to the right physician and to comply with lifestyle modifications to delay procedures and prolong procedure results. We are on the front lines with physicians and at vascular conferences around the world to keep our knowledge current, allowing us to lead in patient education, advocacy, and support.
OUR VISION is to improve the quality of lives of P.A.D. sufferers. We are scaling our efforts to partner with hundreds of thousands of patients and caregivers globally. We are dramatically reducing healthcare costs by eliminating unnecessary amputation and improving patient outcomes through our partnership with patients and lifestyle modification programs.
OUR BELIEF is that through providing patients with a trusted true friend in health, we can improve their quality of life. Lifestyle modification, pharmacotherapy, endovascular treatment, intervention and surgery should all be exhausted before amputation. Patient outcomes and durability will improve with our programs, working alongside device and vascular specialists, to lower healthcare costs and improve patient experiences.
OUR PROGRAMS provide real-time, scalable, advocacy and support for patients through support by our wellness team. Our programs and available resources lead to earlier testing/diagnosis, more productive & satisfying conversations between patients and physicians, and long-term adherence to lifestyle modifications.
OUR PURPOSE is to reduce the 1.5 million heart attacks and strokes each year, 200,000 amputations annually, and deadly comorbidity complications due to viruses.
YOUR SUPPORT helps us bridge that gap between diagnosis, treatment, and compliance TOGETHER. We are funded through donations from physicians, industry, and individuals. Donate now.
The Way To My Heart is a federal tax exempt 501(c)(3) incorporated in California:
EIN: 84-3065768.
Privacy Policy
- Meet the Founder!Emmy Award-winning Journalist Kym McNicholas
Kym is an Emmy Award-winning journalist who started The Way To My Heart after covering a story in which she was not satisfied with the ending. The story began with travel around the world over the last five years to nearly a dozen countries and more than two dozen States to cover, as a journalist, the FDA Clearance process & global commercialization of what some told her could be a game-changing device in unblocking arteries.
During her journey, Kym observed thousands of hours of procedures in which Vascular Specialists used multiple methods to unblock arteries in legs and heart, interviewed hundreds of doctors and patients, and met with dozens of medical device-makers, as well as hospital and Office-Based Lab/Ambulatory Surgery Center administrators.
Through that experience she discovered many heart attacks, strokes, and amputations are preventable with early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, which includes the use of advanced tools and techniques. That's when she decided to create a nonprofit focused on education, high-touch advocacy, and real-time support for P.A.D. patients around the world to help them navigate the healthcare system throughout their P.A.D. journey so they could live a better quality of life. Since inception, The Way To My Heart has provided education, advocacy, and support for more than 10,000 patients, directly saving the limbs of more than 500 no-option patients.
Kym's life purpose is saving life & limb.
Email Kym: Kym@TheWayToMyHeart.org
Meet our Advisors!
Medical & Scientific Advisory Board
Senior Physician Advisor
Dr. Lorenzo Patrone
Consultant Interventional Radiologist
"2020 Vascular Specialist of the Year"
Physician Advisor
Dr. Athar Ansari
Interventional Cardiologist
"2020 Leg Saver Award" Winner
Board Member
Dr. James Antezana
Vascular Surgeon
Director of International Outreach
Dr. Vinod Chainani
Interventional Cardiologist
Physician Advisor
Dr. John Rundback
Interventional Radiologist
Board Member
Dr. Anahita Dua
Vascular Surgeon
PAD Community Advisor
Dr. Ashish Gupta
Interventional Cardiologist
"2020 Patient Champion"
Board Member
Dr. Zola N'Dandu
Interventional Cardiologist
Physician Advisor
Dr. Stacia Jones
Physician Advisor
Dr. Avni Kardani
Chief Wellness Doctor
Dr. Michael Dansinger
Michael Dansinger, MD, is a nationally recognized expert in dietary and lifestyle coaching for weight loss and disease prevention. He serves as Founding Director of the Diabetes Reversal Program at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, and was previously the Wellness Director at Boston Heart Diagnostics. He has also served as the Nutrition and Obesity Editor for MedscapeJournal of Medicine and was the principal investigator of the Tufts Popular Diet Trial comparing the Atkins, Zone, Weight Watchers and Ornish eating plans for weight loss and heart disease risk-factor reduction (published in JAMA). He serves on the CDC’s Expert Panel for Worksite Wellness Programs and on the Council of Directors for the True Health Initiative, a leading international voice for health and wellness. Dansinger was the nutrition doctor for NBC's The Biggest Loser for 10 years and designer of the Biggest Loser Diet, which won top awards from U.S. News & World Report (including No. 1 Best Diet for Diabetes).
Clincal Trials Advisor
Heather Andrews
Director of Business Development
Aperio Clinical Outcomes
Healthcare Policy Advisor
Kathryn Faull
Wellness Advisory Board
- P.A.D. Warriors Task Force
Advisory Board Co-Chair
Advisory Board Member
Advisory Board Co-Chair
Advisory Board Member
Legendary Harlem Globetrotter
Larry "Shorty" Coleman
Advisory Board Member
Advisory Board Members
Toni & Derrick
Help Us To Save Life & Limb
We are looking for partners in our plight to save life & limb:
Vascular Specialists | Credentialed Wellness Experts | Medical Device Companies | Pharmaceutical Companies | Supplement Companies | Supermarkets | Retail | e-commerce | Restaurants | Food Producers | Corporate Sponsors | Medical Facilities | Insurance Providers
Send us an email and we will get back to you!
The Way To My Heart © 2024