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A Committment to Improving Patient Care & Reduce Amputations.
Inequity In PAD Care
Poor circulation is plaguing communities of color and disparities in care are exacerbating the problem. Our cold feet, sleepy legs, and calf cramps are often not addressed and diagnosed appropriately. So, we don't often know we have Peripheral Artery Disease in early stages. PAD is preventable & treatable if risk factors are mitigated, diagnosed in early stages, and treated appropriately. But they're not. So, amputations within communities of color occur at a staggering 3-4 times higher rate than their white counterparts, underscoring the urgent need to galvanize the community and other stakeholders to not only engage in candid discussions about the prevalent gaps in communication and care, but to find solutions.
Thank you for your interest in eliminating disparities in PAD care! I'm Charles WInters, Chairman of the Global PAD Association's DEI Patient Advisory Committee. We are dedicated to improving care for patients of color who are at-risk of and suffer from Peripheral Artery Disease. Please check out several opportunities for anyone to get involved! Our Committee meets weekly and we welcome all stakeholders involved in PAD care to Come To The Table to request patient feedback and participation on research, outreach efforts, and events. Also, don't miss our new PAD: The Lived African American Experience Virtual series where key stakeholders come together virtually to discuss gaps and solutions to improve disparities in healthcare. And if you are a patient with PAD and want to raise your voice, join the committee and help us create the change we all want to see. Let's save Life & Limb Together!
~Charles Winters
Opportunities To Get Involved
As amputations continue to rise, particularly within the African American community, the Global PAD Association is proud to announce the launch of a four-part event series, "PAD: The Lived African American Experience," aimed at addressing and combatting the striking disparities in amputation rates. The first event of this series occurred during Black History Month on February 17th, coinciding with American Heart Month and National Red Sock Day for PAD Awareness.
Amputation Disparities inthe African American Community
Amputations within the African American community occur at a staggering 3-4 times higher rate than their white counterparts, underscoring the urgent need to galvanize the community and other stakeholders to engage in candid discussions about the prevalent gaps in communication and care. The Global PAD Association’s event series seeks to provide a platform for diverse stakeholders to collaboratively develop tangible solutions to address these disparities.
Empowering the Community for Change
The primary objectives of the "PAD: The Lived African American Experience" event series are to raise awareness about the disproportionate amputation rates, facilitate open discussions about underlying factors, and empower the African American community to advocate for improved healthcare
communication and access.Come To Our Table!
& Get DEI Certified
Industry, Physicians, Clinicians, Researchers, Media, Come To Our Table To present patients of color for feedback on your projects and opportunities for patient participation!
Are You A Patient or Caregiver?
Join Our DEI Patient Advisory Committee
The Way To My Heart © 2024