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Doctor Finder Service Disclaimer
At The Global PAD Association, we aim to provide a doctor finder service for primary care and podiatry offices to help individuals locate healthcare providers who offer testing for peripheral artery disease (PAD). However, it is important to note the following disclaimers and considerations before utilizing the information provided on our platform:
Not an Exhaustive List
This list is not exhaustive and may not encompass all providers who offer testing for peripheral artery disease. Users are encouraged to explore additional resources and conduct further research to identify all available options.
Not an Endorsement
Inclusion in this list is not to be considered an endorsement of any doctor or healthcare provider. The appearance of a doctor on this list does not imply an endorsement of their skillset or the quality of care they provide.
No Guarantees or Promises
The Global PAD Assocation makes no guarantees or promises regarding the results or outcomes individuals will achieve from the services offered by the doctors listed on our platform.
Importance of Personal Research
It is crucial for individuals to conduct theirown independent research on each doctor they consider from this list. Factors such as experience, qualifications, and patient reviews should be carefully assessed before making any healthcare decisions.
Seeking Additional Assistance
If you require guidance in selecting a doctor in your area or have critical questions to ask to determine if a doctor is the right fit for you, we recommend contacting the Global PAD Association's hotline at 415-320-7138 or emailing help@thewaytomyheart.org for further assistance.
By utilizing the Global PAD Association's doctor finder service, users acknowledge and acceptthese disclaimers. It is important to exercise due diligence and seek appropriate guidance when making healthcare decisions. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact the CEO Kym McNicholas at Kym@TheWayToMyHeart.org.
The Way To My Heart © 2024